Run SeekSpace® Tools
Run tests
Example 1: Basic usage
Set up the necessary configuration files for the analysis, including paths to the sample data, chemistry versions, genome index, gene annotation file, etc. Run the SeekSpace® Tools using the following command:
seekspacetools run \
--fq1 /path/to/demo/demo_expression_S8_L007_R1_001.fastq.gz \
--fq2 /path/to/demo/demo_expression_S8_L007_R2_001.fastq.gz \
--spatialfq1 /path/to/demo/demo_spatial_S7_L007_R1_001.fastq.gz \
--spatialfq2 /path/to/demo/demo_spatial_S7_L007_R2_001.fastq.gz \
--hdmifq /path/to/demo/2P231224030A4.fq.gz \
--samplename demo \
--outdir /path/to/outdir \
--genomeDir /path/to/GRCh38/star \
--gtf /path/to/GRCh38/genes/genes.gtf \
--chemistry DDVS \
--core 4 \
--include-introns \
--forceCell 80000 \
--min_umi 200 \
--chip_id 2P231224030A4 \
--DAPI /path/to/demo/2P231224030A4.tif
is optional. If an H&E image is provided, the path to the H&E image must be specified.
Example 2: Skip read processing steps and start from image processing:
seekspacetools run \
--fq1 /path/to/demo/demo_expression_S8_L007_R1_001.fastq.gz \
--fq2 /path/to/demo/demo_expression_S8_L007_R2_001.fastq.gz \
--spatialfq1 /path/to/demo/demo_spatial_S7_L007_R1_001.fastq.gz \
--spatialfq2 /path/to/demo/demo_spatial_S7_L007_R2_001.fastq.gz \
--hdmifq /path/to/demo/2P231224030A4.fq.gz \
--samplename demo \
--outdir /path/to/outdir \
--genomeDir /path/to/GRCh38/star \
--gtf /path/to/GRCh38/genes/genes.gtf \
--chemistry DDVS \
--core 4 \
--include-introns \
--forceCell 80000 \
--min_umi 200 \
--chip_id 2P231224030A4 \
--DAPI /path/to/demo/2P231224030A4.tif \
--alignment_file /path/to/demo/parameters.json \
specifies the path of directory that has outputs from the first run of seekspacetools.
Parameter descriptions
Parameters |
Descriptions |
–fq1 |
Paths to R1 fastq files of RNA library |
–fq2 |
Paths to R2 fastq files of RNA library |
–spatialfq1 |
Paths to R1 fastq files of spatial library |
–spatialfq2 |
Paths to R2 fastq files of spatial library |
–hdmifq |
Path to HDMI fastq file of HDMI library |
–samplename |
Sample name. Only digits, letters, and underscores are supported. |
–outdir |
output directory. Default: ./ |
–genomeDir |
The path of the reference genome generated by STAR. The version needs to be consistent with the STAR used by SeekSpace® Tools. |
–gtf |
Path to the GTF file for the corresponding species. |
–core |
Number of threads used for the analysis. |
–chemistry |
Reagent type, with each type corresponding to a combination of |
–skip_misB |
If enabled, no base mismatch is allowed for barcode. Default is 1. |
–skip_misL |
If enabled, no base mismatch is allowed for linker. Default is 1. |
–skip_multi |
If enabled, discard reads that can be corrected to multiple white-listed barcodes. Barcodes are corrected to the barcode with the highest frequency by default. |
–forceCell |
Add this parameter with expected value N, SeekSpace® Tools will select the top N cells based on UMI from high to low. Default is 80000. |
–min_umi |
Minimum number of UMI for a cell. Cells with fewer UMI than this value will be discarded. Default is 200. |
–include-introns |
When disabled, only exon reads are used for quantification. When enabled, intron reads are also used for quantification. |
–star_path |
Path to another version of STAR for alignment. The version must be compatible with the |
–chip_id |
Chip ID |
Slide image with DAPI staining in TIFF format. |
–HE |
Slide image with H&E staining in TIFF format. |
–alignment_file |
alignment file of image alignment parameters. |
–skip |
Skip read processing steps and continue from image processing steps. |